Berlin, Germany

Oct 5 - Nov 17, 2024

Home to the global community innovating in longevity and health

Love being alive? Join us in Berlin, Germany as we bring together the world’s leading longevity entrepreneurs, scientists, investors, thinkers, and enthusiasts for a 6-week-long deep-dive into defying death and denying disease.

Apply Now

Why Join Zelar City?

Get Ahead
Be at the forefront of the longevity movement with immersive workshops, talks and summits on anti-aging, biotechnology, and AI-driven health and wellness
Get Together
Thrive in a like-minded, driven community working together towards a future where death is optional!
Get Healthy, Get Happy
Build a healthy routine with group yoga, pilates, and daily healthy meals. Learn how to integrate health and wellness into your daily lifestyle through biohacking and personalized health advice
Get Connected
Build your network, engage with the world’s leading longevity scientists, entrepreneurs, and innovators, and build lifelong relationships


Co-living with smart like minded people to figure our how we can accelerate the future when aging is no more. What can beat that?

Alexey Strygin

It’s nice to be in a community of people who are aligned along the same values.

Mark Hamalainen

Pop-up cities are a way to bridge the gap between an online community and a new city, giving people a preview of what it'd be like to live together in that location - and it's been life-changing!

Laurence Ion

Pop-up cities are a wholesome container for meeting and interacting with really interesting, ambitious people — what private colleges were 20 years ago, Zuzalu-style cities are today

Michael Edward Johnson

At Zelar City, I'm most excited about the people I'll meet. I believe it's the perfect place to build meaningful relationships with driven, like-minded individuals

Elias Schlie

In a pop-up city, when you gather a critical mass of minds aligned on deeply shared values and keep them together long enough, it becomes a space where things are built that couldn't happen anywhere else.

Nathan Cheng

Co-living with smart like minded people to figure our how we can accelerate the future when aging is no more. What can beat that?

Alexey Strygin

It’s nice to be in a community of people who are aligned along the same values.

Mark Hamalainen

We could bring warp-speed drugs to market if only we coordinated better. Pop-up cities and NetworkPop-up cities are a way to bridge the gap between an online community and a new city, giving people a preview of what it'd be like to live together in that location - and it's been life-changing! States are the way to achieve this.

Laurence Ion

Pop-up cities are a wholesome container for meeting and interacting with really interesting, ambitious people — what private colleges were 20 years ago, Zuzalu-style cities are today

Michael Edward Johnson

At Zelar City, I'm most excited about the people I'll meet. I believe it's the perfect place to build meaningful relationships with driven, like-minded individuals

Elias Schlie

In a pop-up city, when you gather a critical mass of minds aligned on deeply shared values and keep them together long enough, it becomes a space where things are built that couldn't happen anywhere else.

Nathan Cheng

Co-living with smart like minded people to figure our how we can accelerate the future when aging is no more. What can beat that?

Alexey Strygin

It’s nice to be in a community of people who are aligned along the same values.

Mark Hamalainen

Pop-up cities are a way to bridge the gap between an online community and a new city, giving people a preview of what it'd be like to live together in that location - and it's been life-changing!

Laurence Ion

Pop-up cities are a wholesome container for meeting and interacting with really interesting, ambitious people — what private colleges were 20 years ago, Zuzalu-style cities are today

Michael Edward Johnson

At Zelar City, I'm most excited about the people I'll meet. I believe it's the perfect place to build meaningful relationships with driven, like-minded individuals

Elias Schlie

In a pop-up city, when you gather a critical mass of minds aligned on deeply shared values and keep them together long enough, it becomes a space where things are built that couldn't happen anywhere else.

Nathan Cheng

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zelar City?

Zelar City is a 6-week long "popup village" for people working on solving aging entirely.
We aim to make this the healthiest and most impactful experience, focusing on cutting-edge longevity and aging research. It’s a unique opportunity to delve deep into your work, connect with leading experts, and form valuable relationships with investors who are eager to support innovative technologies and new approaches to extending human lifespan.

Who is Zelar City for?

For people who are building towards a future where death is optional. For scientists, entrepreneurs, founders, engineers, philosophers, or investors. If you want to push the limits of what’s possible, this is for you.

What is the experience like at Zelar City?

Think of Zelar City as a blend of a vibrant network and an innovative hub. It’s where people come together to focus on longevity, and build meaningful connections, combining working on the aging problem with a commitment to healthier living.Here’s what the experience will look like:

Monday to Thursday: After a healthy breakfast, and a yoga/Pilates session you'll dive into focused work during the day. We offer the resources and environment to boost your productivity, whether you need a quiet space to concentrate, or want to lead a workshop on a specific subject.

Thursday to Sunday: Each week, we host a summit filled with talks, workshops, and unconferences, offering plenty of opportunities to connect with fellow residents. Please note that the official program may vary - some weeks, it will be held on Saturday and Sunday, while other weeks it might take place on Friday and Saturday, or even Thursday.

How do I participate?

Please fill out this application to apply to participate in Zelar city. We will follow up with an email containing more details.

Do I need to come for the whole time?

Not at all! While it’s not required, we definitely recommend staying for as long as you can to fully dive into everything Zelar City has to offer. The longer you stay, the more you'll get out of this unique experience, especially as we're experimenting with new ways of living and working together.

What will the programming be like?

Our programming will focus on areas like: Aging Research, AI, Biotech & Longevity, Network Societies, DeSci and more. Summits will take place over the weekends.

Week 1 (oct 5-13): Foundations of Longevity and Translational Research
Week 2 (oct 14-20): Innovation in LongBio & SynBio
Week 3 (oct 21-27): Decentralized Science (DeSci) and Network States
Week 4 (oct 28-nov3): Healthspan Optimization: Geroscience, AI, and Digital Health
Week 5 (nov 4-10): Future Tech: Cryonics, Replacement, and Radical Longevity
Week 6 (nov 11-17): Longevity Advocacy, Policy, and the Future of Zelar City

Will accommodation be provided?

The main venue for Zelar City consists of two adjacent buildings, each with 10 bedrooms. This location will serve as the central hub for our community meals, workshops, talks, and hangout areas. Residents staying for the full duration have priority when booking a room. If you plan to stay for a shorter period, we are doing our best to provide options at a discounted rate (subject to availability). If you prefer to arrange your own accommodation, please ensure it's near the Treptower area or as close as possible to encourage serendipity.